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Be careful with recently released Expert Advisors

Avoid dangerous strategies

How to detect and avoid Expert Advisor scams.
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Nascondono i risultati e se fai troppe domande ti bannano e si tengono i soldi senza rimborsare ho speso 1200 dollari per non avere le licenze solo perche' facevo troppe domande sull-uso del loro expert …. davano informazioni con il contagocce perche' non vogliono divulgare l’uso corretto del loro expert agi …. intanto il cliente con questo sistema continua a perdere soldi

They hide the results and if you ask too many questions they will ban you and keep the money without refunding I spent $1,200 to not get licenses just because I was asking too many questions about-use of their expert …. they were giving information with the dropper because they don’t want to divulge the proper use of their expert agi …. meanwhile the customer with this system keeps losing money

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